Air Quality Assessments Ltd provide support for Environmental Permit applications, and can produce reports for submission to regulatory authorities in tandem with impact assessments for planning authorities. Depending on the process, there may be a risk from controlled releases to air, or from fugitive emissions such as dust or odour. Risks to the environment may be screened out as insignificant, or more detailed assessment using air quality modelling may be required. Results from modelling can also be used to determine a suitable chimney height. Permit applications for dusty or odorous processes may also need to be accompanied by a dust or odour management plan.
Air Quality Assessments Ltd can provide permit application support for the following sectors:
- Mineral extraction
- Waste management and composting facilities
- Energy from waste and incineration
- Sewage treatment
- Anaerobic digestion
- Power generation
Contact us to find out how we can help you obtain your environmental permit.